In pursuit of finishing the first DIY of this new apartment, I recently made a trip to the fabric store. I distinctly remember being dragged to Hancock Fabrics as a girl, lamenting all the way the sheer
boredom that awaited me there. My mom and Mawmaw would spend what seemed like hours carefully choosing fabric for a quilt or some other project. I would roam the aisles, touching every suede and fleece, leafing through boxes of tissuey patterns, ogling the rainbow display of thread.
A few years ago, the fabric store went out of business. My mom took advantage of their blowout closing sale by grabbing up a whole dresser full of just-in-case fabric. Just in case some project presented itself. Despite my early disdain of trips to the fabric store, when Hancock's closed it felt like they were boarding up my childhood.
During my first week of work I discovered I loved mini peppermint patties. I took it as a sign that I have officially become old. Peppermint patties are what my grandma eats, and I have never, ever wanted one--until now. I sit in my cubicle and savor their cool dark chocolate in between phone calls.
This trip to the fabric store was the second recent sign that I have become the epitome of an adult.
I suddenly love going to the fabric store.
Rows upon rows of bright fabrics, waiting to be transformed into something. Baby quilts, halloween costumes, upholstered chairs, kitschy sewing projects - the possibilities!
In the end, I narrowed my fabric choices down to about ten, with the help of a phone call to Mom and about an hour of wandering, wide eyed, through racks upon racks of chevrons, toiles, and soft velvets.
Those who know me well will breathe a sigh of relief that the above print was never in the running for this DIY.
I did eventually choose a print, upon returning the next day with my husband. He was, by the way, extremely reluctant to spend more than ten minutes in that store, and clearly does not share my appreciation for textiles.
Stay tuned for the DIY!
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