At least, it was our bed last week. And this is our bedroom, not sugar coated, complete with dirty laundry in the corner and sad, bare, we-just-moved-in wall. Yes, this home, and the people in it, are most definitely a work in progress.
If you follow me on Pinterest, you may know I've been dreaming of headboards lately. I am so very tired of this ho hum bed. In our last apartment, I hung some lace curtains to give the illusion of a window. They were the same lace curtains that covered the window behind the bed in our beautiful, light-filled Cambridge apartment. They were given to us by our friends, who masterfully decorated our apartment while we were away on our honeymoon. I could still cry thinking about it.
So after all my Pinterest searching, I decided I could probably manage to build a headboard. I love making things and fixing things, so it was a fun (and easy!) weekend project for me.
Step One: Measure. This is based on taste. I wanted my headboard to be medium height and classically shaped--nothing fancy. My measurements were five feet across and three feet high.
Step Two: Take a trip to the fabric store. Choose something you love. But then again, if you find after everything that you don't love it, it is easy to change. Besides buying enough fabric to wrap around the wood, you'll also need batting. Most tutorials suggest using both one or two inch foam and batting, but after hearing the price per yard of foam, I decided I didn't need that much padding. I bought two packages of twin-sized, high loft, polyester quilt batting.
Step Three: Buy some wood. Most tutorials suggest plywood, but the helpful man at the home supply store recommended Oriented Strand Board (OSB). My extensive construction knowledge tells me that the two materials are basically the same. But OSB is less than half the price. That was an easy decision for me. I went with half inch plywood. I've seen people use quarter inch as well, which seems pretty thin to me, but may be a better, lighter choice if you are planning on hanging your headboard on the wall.
Step Four: Iron. I was tempted to skip this step. Ironing is one of my least favorite things, and my mom could surely tell you that I've been much more likely in my lifetime to wear something wrinkled than to pull out the ironing board. Having such an impeccably well-dressed husband has somewhat reformed me. He seriously cares about wrinkles. And though he does most of his ironing himself (what a man!), I find myself more and more satisfied with a crisp shirt. And a crisp headboard. So I ironed.
Step Five: Lay out the fabric, face down, and cover with the two layers of batting (followed by the foam, if you are so inclined).
My kitchen fit perfectly. I should have included step Four and a Half: get down on hands and knees with a spray bottle and clean the kitchen floor.
Step Six: Add the board. If you are using a patterned fabric, like me, take some time to make sure the pattern is going to lay on the headboard straight.
Step Seven: Wrap and staple, making sure the batting comes all the way to the back of the board. This is fairly simple and fun. I did have to cut off a lot of my batting to reduce the bulk on the back of the headboard.
Step Eight: Install! Hanging is an option, as is screwing the board into the bed frame. For now, I opted to rest the headboard on the box spring. It may not be the most professional installation, but after a long morning of DIYing, it was the quickest option, and it has held up so far.
The finished product!
I like the bedroom so much better now! It's no Crate and Barrel, but it's a step forward at least.
To end my day of home renovation, I hung a mirror that I bought for $2 at a yard sale recently.
And I added a little color to the bathroom by hanging this enormous lion painting that I won in a drawing at work last week. Its previous home was the Phoenix clinic, which was recently redecorated.
As the cherry on top of the weekend, we finally bought a couch. I was happy with my two little dream Ikea chairs, which I bought off Craigslist last year. But now that we have a real couch, I have to say, it does feel much more homey.
And thus ends my home improvement weekend! I think I need a day off. What should my next project be?
Wow!! Courtney that looks great! I love your sense of style and decoration :)